This past Sunday our 5th grade students received Holy Communion for the first time. Some of them had been waiting a long time for this.; Check out what Anna (one of the 5th Grade students) had to say:
“I think communion is important because it is a time you share with God. The importance of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ is great. I feel that when we take communion we take it for granted, but if you really think about it you will realize it is one of the most important things you receive as a Christian. Each and every one of us is SO lucky to receive communion. I am really looking forward to taking communion for the first time. It reminds us that Christ died for our sins and we are forgiven.”
These students participated in a Faith Stepping Stones class in the middle of August where they heard all about the Biblical command to eat this meal, where they learned about how it strengthens us to serve, and where they actively participated in a game all about grace. Now they will receive Holy Communion the same as any adult member of our church.
As a church, we pray God's blessings upon these students, and upon all who receive Holy Communion, that they will know they are strengthened, forgiven, and sent out to serve.
Do you remember the first time you received this incredible meal? What does it mean to you now?
Pastor Sara
Beginning today Sermon Notes for Sunday Sermons will be available directly on Southwood's main website along with a streaming audio player of the message.
Listen to Pastor Greg's Message
Message Text: Matthew 13:24-29
God can turn weeds into wheat!
The story also reminds us that it is God’s mess, not yours and mine.
You can learn a lot from 2 four year old's and a Golden Retriever! This week's lesson is about time.
Time: it either stands still or it marches on. And which ever one it is doing to us, we wish it were the opposite.
God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. (Ecclesiastes 3:11-12 NIV)
These two sweet boys have been making me think about time this week.
Time. For children it never seems to move along quickly enough. For adults it seems like it is whizzing by us so quickly that we can never keep up.
I suppose there is no solution, people are people after all. We are probably always going to be wishing time away or trying to figure out some way that we can speed it up. A quote on the tag of my tea bag once read: "When God made time, he made enough of it." It seems like such great wisdom, but rarely do I really truly believe it.
You know who doesn't spend a second thinking about time? My parents Golden Retriever named Lincoln. He completely enjoys every moment, every place, and every situation he finds himself in. He's happy to plop down on the floor next to my mom while she reads the morning paper. He's happy to run back and forth endlessly retrieving tennis balls, he's happy to be out in the field hunting ducks with my brother. He is always happy and content, he always has enough time.
I'm trying to live in each moment like I have plenty of time. I'm trying not to fret about moments past, or worry about what is to come, but just absorb myself in the moment God is presently giving to me.
I'm trying. What about you?
Pastor Sara
Listen to Pastor Sara's Message
Message Text: Matthew 25:1-13
Which of the following would require the most preparation time for you? (check one of the following boxes)
When should I be ready?
Stay awake and be prepared.
Jesus appears daily if we watch carefully:
Questions for Reflection:
This Fall I'll be teaching a new class based on a book by Adam Hamilton called When Christians Get it Wrong. Check out this video introducing the book:
We'll spend time in September talking about how we might be turning others away from Jesus without even really knowing it. Sign up now!
Mark your calendar now for September 16, 23, and 30 - (class starts at 6:30) you can bet there will be a riveting conversation about this one!
Pastor Sara
Listen to Pastor Michael's Message
Message Text: Luke 16:1-13
Shrewd adjective
Legal System:
Finding the Loophole!
Instead of charging interest, one could write a contract that says, I’ll give you 450 jars of olive oil that you happen to need now and later you can give me 600 jars of olive oil. Now it isn’t a loan with interest, it’s two friendly people giving each other gifts by contract!
What does this parable have to do with God’s rule on earth?
Listen to Pastor Sara's Message
Sermon Text: Matthew 20:1-16
16So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last. (NLT)
“It is simply a fact that people regularly understand and appreciate God’s strange calculus of grace as applied to themselves but fear and resent seeing it applied to others.” Robert Smith (Matthew, Augsburg Commentary)
Why do the first worker’s complain?
“Grace is always amazing grace. Grace that can be calculated and ‘expected’ (v.10) is no longer grace.” Eugene Boring (Matthew, New Interpreter’s Bible)
Will you respond with Envy or Generosity?
The Landowner asked: “Are you envious because I am generous?” (v. 15b)
We are left with two responses:
Last night at our Summer class, Making Sense of Scripture, we played a little game.
We had five groups. Each group was asked to imagine that they were a small house church in a country that is hostile toward Christianity. They had just been informed that their Bibles were about to be confiscated. They couldn't hide one away because the secret police knew how many they had. They also knew that they had just enough time before the police arrived to copy down 5 books of the Bible to keep with them. Their task was to figure out which 5 they would choose.
Here is what each group decided:
Here's what we found to be so interesting: The only book that every group chose was the book of Psalms. Most had Genesis, but not all. Everyone chose one of the gospels, but not the same one. In some groups there were some pretty heated debates over which gospel, or which letter to include. But everyone seemed to put down Psalms as if that was a "no-brainer."
Someone said that this choice of Psalms perhaps this indicates how powerful prayer is for people. Others mentioned the power of worship and music for people. The Psalms are full of prayers, worship, and some of the best of our church music. I guess for our little scenario of a house church in danger of losing its most sacred scripture - everyone knew that these prayers and songs would continue to draw the people together as they have done for 1000's of years.
But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me,
and through each night I sing his songs,
praying to God who gives me life.
Psalm 42:8 (NLT)
What 5 books would you choose?
Pastor Sara
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