Sunday, April 8 (Easter Sunday)
John 20:11-18
You might wonder how in the world Mary didn’t recognize the resurrected Jesus. After all, she’d known Him well during His lifetime and spent countless hours with Him. Now she stood at His very tomb, saw that His body was missing and observed two white-robed angels sitting where His body had been. The signs seem obvious, don’t they? Yet Mary didn’t recognize Jesus, even when he stood before her and spoke to her.
Mary Magdalene was blinded by her circumstances. More specifically, she was blinded by grief, so much that she could not perceive the very real resurrected Jesus standing right in front of her.
Is it not the same for us sometimes?
Any number of circumstances can blind us to God’s very real presence in our lives. Maybe, like Mary, it’s grief. Maybe you are walking through a valley of darkness right now, grieving the loss of a loved one and feeling lonely, isolated and abandoned.
Or perhaps it’s simply busyness that inhibits your ability to see. Have you filled your life so full with obligations, work and socializing that you haven’t allowed yourself the time to sit quietly in His presence?
Maybe, as we talked about earlier this Lent, it’s an idol that’s blinding you. Are you focusing too much attention on a goal or dream, or on a material possession? Or perhaps it’s anger, resentment, guilt, bitterness, ingratitude or an inability to forgive that is serving as a roadblock in your relationship with God.
Or maybe it’s a trust issue. Have you opened your heart fully to Him? Have you actually allowed Him to work in your life, or are you holding Him at a distance, unwilling to let Him lead the way?
So many variables have the potential to influence our ability to connect with God. We need to be aware of what might be obscuring our ability to see and hear God—we need to ask ourselves these hard questions and stay on guard against these powerful influences.
God makes Himself available to you always. He is right here—standing in front of you, calling your name. It’s your job to clear the way for Him to shine His love and light directly into your life.
Lord, You come to me today on Easter Sunday and every day. Yet like Mary, I don’t always see You, even when You are so obviously present. Help me see clearly the impediments that block my ability to connect with You. Help me make a straight path to You. Amen.
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