The Holy Spirit was at work in Sunday School at Southwood!
PreK/K children play acted the Spirit coming at Pentecost. Blowing wind from fans, streamers like fire, and teachers talking in different languages gave them a sense of what it might have been like many years ago when the Holy Spirit came to those who were believers of Jesus. That day over 3,000 believers joined the power of the Holy Spirit creating the birth of the Christian Church! Children created crowns of fire to help them remember that “God’s Spirit lives in me.”
1st-3rd graders discussed the missionary Paul and how his steadfast love of Jesus gave him the strength to continue spreading the news that all who pray in the name of the Lord, will be saved regardless of race or status. The children created a list of people in their own lives that need a friend and discussed what they could do to open the door of friendship to them by “walking like Jesus.”
4th and 5th graders are working with mannequin heads to illustrate how God shapes children and their character if they let him. This Sunday they talked about Jesus showing his humility by washing the disciples’ feet and how they too need to remember to serve Jesus by their actions. They wrote on pieces of tissue paper the times they have helped others in the past and brainstormed some ideas of serving in the future. The tissue paper was then stuffed into gloves to be the “serving hands’ of their class mannequin heads.
Outreach Update
With the offerings from last Sunday we are able to give: $100 for the AIDs orphans tuition, $1,799.02 total for prescriptions for Clinic with a Heart patients (this is an accumulation of the offering money that is left each week after we remove the $100 for the AIDS orphans tuition). Plus, we have received a total of 332 books to give to the children that come to the Clinic!
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