Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8 NIV)
This Sunday in worship we recognize the many high school seniors who will be graduating soon. We pray God’s blessings on them and hope they will ask God the Potter to mold and direct their paths of faith.
“The story is told of a master pottery maker in Peru. Having heard of the distinct quality of his work, people from all over the world traveled to the outskirts of Lima in search of his unpretentious shop. It was an uncovered, cluttered workspace exposed to the intense rays of the South American sun. As a result of forty years of continuous labor, the potter’s sun-baked skin resembled the dark reddish-brown clay he shaped into beautiful pots and bowls.
What distinguished this artisan’s pottery was a small indentation that every piece boasted. The notch- like feature at first glance might be considered a flaw. But it was not. It was the result of a claw-like digit on the potter’s right hand. He was born with it instead of a thumb. The shriveled stub and its permanent sharp fingernail imprinted the clay as it was fashioned in its final form. What had been a source of endless humiliation as a child had become the signature of success.
Although our Creator’s fashioning hands are not deformed, as He shapes us into His image, the evidence of His fingerprints in our lives render us valuable and priceless in His eyes. Celebrate the worth He sees as He looks at you today.”1
1. Asimakoupoulos, Greg. Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart –Daily Devotions from the Greatest Praise and Worship Songs of All Time (Brentwood, TN: Integrity Publishers. 2002), pg. 113.
The Potter's Hand
Beautiful Lord, wonderful Savior, I know for sure all of my days Are held in Your hand and crafted into Your perfect plan. You gently call me into Your presence, Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit. Teach me, dear Lord, to live all of my life through Your eyes. I’m captured by Your Holy calling; set me apart. I know You’re drawing me to Yourself. Lead me, Lord, I pray; Take me, mold me, use me, fill me; I give my life to the Potter’s hand. Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me; I give my life to the Potter’s hand.
(by Darlene Zschech)
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